Hi, i'm Lucian and here I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions on life in the blue cloud. I'm a Cloud Solution Architect, specialising in Azure infrastructure, at Microsoft, in Sydney, Australia.

Happy 2nd blog birthday: clouduccino

A little over a week ago was the second anniversary of this blog. Time flies when you’re having fun, as they say. So much fun that I forgot the birthday date…

The last two years since I thought of the idea to write and share with the interents has gone by rather fast. I’ve gone from technical to non technical posts, photos posts, an (average) attempt to daily blogging. I would say that didn’t really work out as I don’t lead that much of an interesting life or am not that opinionated on everything that the world needs to or wants to know about.

I could be wrong? Doubt it.

For those that have come by way of the Google’s, the RSS feed, the click-through from the blog.kloud.com.au blog, social media’s or carrier pigeon, I hope that I’ve written something useful that’s helped you in some positive way. That’s the goal. If I can share what I’ve learned and what I use or do to do awesome things or level up (to use a gamer reference), than this blog has achieved so far its purpose.

Cheers to another year and looking forward to the coming year!