Hi, i'm Lucian and here I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions on life in the blue cloud. I'm a Cloud Solution Architect, specialising in Azure infrastructure, at Microsoft, in Sydney, Australia.

Happy 3rd blog birthday

Clouduccino!... Wait, what?

Its that time of the year again. Well, to be honest the anniversary has passed by a few days ago. It was the weekend and I was feeling a little under the weather at the time, so I missed the big date. No big deal though. It’s still a cause for celebration! I’ve managed to keep the wheels turning and words churning on this plucky little blog for another 12 months. Woohoo!

Yes, 3 years and counting!

This years been long and stressful. For the most past, I’ve unfortunately been away from writing and sharing. I suppose you know how it is. Life gets in the way of hobbies and pass times because, to be honest, more important shit takes precedence. Right?

Excuses and justifications aside, I am pretty proud of the fact that this little corner of the interwebs gets about a thousand hits a month and hopefully gets at least one of those people out of a tight situation. That’s enough for me. Knowing that possibly one other person read the gibberish; was able to understand the incoherent mess somehow; took that and applied it to achieve some sort of success!?! That’s the power of the internet. Tremendous.

So, for this year I want to dedicate this blog birthday to the interwebs for making it all possible. For that, and for the fact I’m down on a little content to share that’s more meaningful at the moment. Not exactly scraping the bottom of the barrel, but, I’m just easing into the process. I need to get my mojo back. Stress not though as I’ve got a few recipes up my sleeve that I’ll cook up in the form of some blogalicious love soon enough.

RIP Clouduccino. lucian.franghiu.com is just easier.