Hi, i'm Lucian and here I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions on life in the blue cloud. I'm a Cloud Solution Architect, specialising in Azure infrastructure, at Microsoft, in Sydney, Australia.

It's more than just a new year in 2015

A new job and a new start

The year 2015 has thus far brought about allot of changes in my life and there’s only a handful of days chalked up on the board. As I sit this warm summers evening reflecting on the last few days, its a great feeling being in a positive and happy place to kick start what will no doubt be a massive year!

The biggest change I’m most happy about, most excited about, most nervous about, most everything about is the (professional) move to Kloud Solutions.

Having previously worked with the same team for the previous six and a half years, the change, the idea of change, was a scary one at first. After such a long time doing what you’re comfortable doing, where you’re part of the furniture really, on the road to only “doing the needfull” lay ahead- easy, straight and smooth that road would have been. However, there comes a time when for better or worse, you need to grab two gears down, plant your right foot firm to the floor and take a hard right! (or roll the dice?- that’s the analogy I was using all of last December).

Several days in at Kloud everyone’s been amazing!, though already I can feel the weight of change on my shoulders with so much to learn and so many new things happening at such a fast pace. All these things though are firing me up further, borrowing on from my analogy above, I’m off that easy road and down through some twisty’s with no view of what corners coming up next.

So far I’m pumped, excited, nervous, scared, motivated, and most of all over the moon happy to take on the responsibility and challenges this year. Chalk up January 5th as a massive career milestone and after 12 months, after my 1st birthday, along the way there would no doubt feature tears, smiles, friendships and memorable moments that will shape the next decade of my life.

See you soon 2015! (its barely got off the mark). See you soon 30th birthday! Hasta la vista 2014!