Hi, i'm Lucian and here I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions on life in the blue cloud. I'm a Cloud Solution Architect, specialising in Azure infrastructure, at Microsoft, in Sydney, Australia.

Moving forward, improving, growing, bigger, faster, stronger

For as long as I can remember I’ve always liked to change things, tinker, customise and ultimately (in my mind at least) improve. It’s the endless pursuit that isn’t change for the sake of change, but rather it’s the pursuit of getting better.

Today I’ve updated the blog theme which, if you were Mrs Lucian, you would know it’s something I tinker with allot. If I wasn’t a consultant and had to do something in IT, it would probably be some sort of design or creative endeavour.

The pursuit of improvement is for me not a goal or a target. The idea that something can ever be perfect is something I struggle with. I want everything to be perfect, finished, completed, excellent. However, if everything is perfect and finished then what else is there to achieve?

When I started this blog I wanted to dump all the findings and titbits of information that have helped me though adversity in my consulting roles. That was the idea at least. A public Evernote workbook that can be referenced with my own comments and experience tied in. Over the last year I’ve been able to share allot more and I intend on sharing more in the future.

Final words

This change in design and style for the blog is a step in the direction of improvement with more additions to come. It’s a Monday (today) and with Monday’s brings a new week, new opportunities and new prospects on the horizon.